Rachel Harvey is a student of globalization, markets, culture, institutions, global cities, and critical realism.
Her research has focused on a variety of phenomena ranging from a rural, reactionary social movement to the global foreign exchange market. In these explorations she has tried to understand how the historical, socio-cultural specificity of each subject, and its complexity, impact places and people across the world. In grappling with these nuances, she has developed a framework for approaching the research and theorization of global dynamics that retains the centrality of their spatio-temporal specificity (“the particular”) even if they have significant scope and scale. Thus, global processes are never universal since they are permanently marked by their origins. An outcome of this research trajectory, and her multi-disciplinary approach, is her interest in the consequences of the fundamental condition of “particularity” for scientific practice and theorization. Rachel is currently an Adjunct Associate Research Scholar with the Center on Global Economic Governance, and a Framing the Global Fellow, Indiana University. Previously she was a Postdoctoral Research Scholar with the Committee on Global Thought and the Center on Global Legal Transformation. Rachel was awarded her PhD at the University of Chicago.